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Laravel had its origin in 2011, at the hands of Taylor Otwell, and quickly became popular. This is due to its ease of implementation and logical structure. Currently, Laravel is considered one of the best PHP development tools.


A few words about this technology

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP Web Framework created by Taylor Otwell and intended to develop web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

Technology greatest strengths


Laravel has well-structured and extensive documentation. Videos also support the documentation, thus facilitating the solution of a problem.

MVC Structure

Laravel is a framework based on the MVC structure, so that structure has already been made. With that, it becomes an excellent framework for creating web applications.


Laravel helps protect the web application against the most severe security risks: SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripts.


Laravel features clean code, so editing is easy, so trap detection.

Laravel is an excellent option for small/medium companies or those with a limited budget for the project. Thanks to what was said in the previous section, it is possible to configure a small project quickly.